In line with both data protection (GDPR) and my professional association (CSTA) policies, standards and ethics, I need your written consent to hold the information I have about you.
I keep paper records of our sessions. This includes name, contact details, and session notes.
You have the right to have information about you deleted, inaccuracies corrected, access to records, and to complain if you are unhappy with any of this to the Information Commission Office
Phone and computer are both password protected. Records are stored in a double secured space (a locked unit within a locked room) and kept for seven years after the date of our last session. All records are then securely destroyed.
In case I am suddenly unable to work because of unforeseen events e.g. accident or death. Your first name and contact details with be shared with a designated colleague known as a Professional Executor. This colleague will contact you on my behalf.
My records enable me to contact you for appointment purposes, track our work together, and review my work in supervision where confidentiality is maintained. They are not shared with any other third party.